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Wednesday, January 27, 2016


God's word refreshes our mind and His Spirit renews our strength.
The more you think about God's word, the more you become familiar with God's voice and the more the spirit can act upon the word.
To walk with power, move with power, sleep with power, talk with power it is necessary to meditate in God's word.
There is no power in the flesh.
To the extent we stand to obey God's word the spirit shall be  released within us.
The more we stand to read and understand God's word the more the Word of God changes your mind, your heart and your character.
Christianity is not in the flesh.
We are to manage and guard your heart... be careful of what you think of for your heart is heaven.
You have to learn to walk with heaven
Christ and the word are one therefore Christ has no position in your life without His word
We position our selves for God's favour by reading the word and acting on it

Lord Jesus may you make your words abide in me and me in you in Jesus name! AMEN

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