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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Liberty From Anxiety

“Our personal cares for the present, future, family and others are capable of changing our focus from running the straight race with God, especially when they arise from unbelief and distrust. Therefore, don’t be agitated and thrown into confusion. Worries about tomorrow do not advance our cause at all; they are absolutely useless. Remember that anxiety distracts one’s mind and hinders our interest in the service of God”.

“Free yourself in the Word of God. When your spirit is free, it becomes sensitive to the Spirit of God. Do you want a free spirit? Keep your heart from cares. He who bore the burdens of our sorrows, worries, fears, cares and anxieties desires us to leave it entirely for Him because He alone knows what it takes to give us rest. Why don’t we trust Him and let Him prove Himself? After all, He is the Governor of our future – He owns the future

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