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Wednesday, November 19, 2014



Prophets are a voice of GOD. kings are a hand of God prophets and priests have one work but they differ in responsibilities. Prophets are created by God. As usual Satan also creates his own prophets who will deceive the people even the elect.

Why didn't God stop Satan from creating his own false prophets?
Matthew 7:15-23

Prophets will predict and give warnings, to rebuke and give various signs which show and prove the word of God and Satan does likewise also. Prophets can be from God but give predictions against that which is of Gods love .  Prophesy is a small spiritual gift but it can destroy the church and its people or build the church and make it alive.


1.Prophets of God give prophesy and what is prophesied occurs. Liviticus 18:18-22

2. A Prophet of God  or any servant of God does not work alone for they work by cooperation.For example a pastor of this church and the other have a union and a bondage with the Holy Spirit.

3. A servant of God or a Prophet preaches  the word of God in a correct way and  you will know if there is the Spirit of God and be able to read the word of God and understand.

4. A prophet of God can not be spoken of badly so easily  without any mistake and if the speak of him correctly that he  has a mistake the rumor shall spread for a long time and last long.

5. A servant of God does not come over a  short period of time and start a church over a short period but starts slowly and God does this so that the Lord can test if he is still following Him.

6.A sevant of God or a prophet has no great names  and does not praise himself especially when he is in the alter of God.

7. A prophet of God speaks and does what he speaks. Forexample "Let Love lead" and you shall see him do according to his word.

8. A prophet or any seravnt of God rebukes sin alot  and this is one of the grat things of which a prophet or servant of God does unlike the false prophets they do not rebuke sin but encourage it to go on among the people.


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