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Thursday, April 23, 2015


Covenants are agreements made either between God and man or between demons and man. Covenants act as a bond (a very strong bond which unites you with either GOD with man or a man with demons.
These covenants are what bind a person with a certain spiritual force .
Image result for covenants
Image result for covenants

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How faith works

Faithis a spiritual force that grows and develops in the heart or spirit of a man. Romans 10:17 says, " Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the word of God."

This means tat faith originates with the word of God. Faith is not in ourselves. If faith is in ourselves, faith will be weak. Faith is not with apostles but faith originates with God. The more we look at God's word, look to God, the more we will have faith. What does this mean to you?

This means, spontaneously, naturally faith comes.
Only when the hearts of people are focussed on the word of God that faith would thrive and work wonders.

The heart of a man is overtaken by other thoughts that ordinarily should not compete for space with God who owns everything including our hearts.

"There is a conflict between light and darkness in our hearts"
For example what are many saying, "when will church close today? I want to go and rest... etc." You keep talking to yourself.
All this is going on in our hearts. All that you are saying uin your heart has got nothing to do with God. God cannot be a tenant in your heart.

He should take over  your heart. In the same heart fait needs to be developed but alot of things are going on there.
You need time to be in attitude of prayer all the time. A break in prayer is a break with God.

Life is always about falling and rising. In falling there is always a lesson that will be to the advantage of the person. Christians' faith in God is usually tested to see if they can handle the coming glory.


"Who has believed our message?
To whom has the Lord revealed his
powerful arm?" Isaiah 53:1

Sunday, April 5, 2015



Faith is holding on to what God has said.
Hebrew 11:1,2,3
Faith is believing that God would do what he has promised or what he has said.
Whether your faith is trait or small its not an issue. If God has not promised anything how can we know he is faithful?

He must promise something before we can talk about His faithfulness. That is God.

Never ask yourself do I have faith or do I have sufficient faith?
God is the giver of faith. If you believe in God then you have faith.
The more you ask yourself about faith (that you have faith) the less your fait becomes. Have faith in God not in Tb Joshua, Ezekiel Minja, Benny Hinn or in apostles or else your faith will be fragile.

Your faith cannot be established on a person for the person has an end but have faith in God for God has no end.

In the book of romans 10:17
Is it the words of pastor, Benn hinn, evangelists or anyone? No but it comes from hearing the word of God.
There is power in our mouths but faith releases the belief in our hearts.

John 14:25,27

God's word is spirit meaning that God's word is capable of developing a spiritual force. By spiritual force is our heart. If God's word is spirit it is capable of developing a spiritual force within our hearts called faith.
If you are not reading God's word by the help of the holy spirit you are reading history. If you begin to read by the help of the holy spirit you will know God.

Before you can begin to ask you are to know God's promise. God's promises are found in Gods word.
Luke 22:32

He was prophesy to His disciples that in working with Him there will be hard times ahead. They would face challenges. When facing challenges, when you are tempted, I will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.
We know a true Christian when challenges come. If you are tempted if you are sick remember that Jesus Christ has prayed that your faith would not fail but be strengthened. If you have faith in God it means that when you are challenged you must remember the word of God (Jesus Christ).

Jesus said to you, "I have prayed that your faith will not fail when challenges come"

If you do not believe my master, you cannot believe me for my master has prayed for you that your faith will not fail.
When you are with God know thatthey are good times and  bad times. When challenges come do not ask yourself questions whether you have faith or not for the LORD Jesus is the giver of faith.

Ask God to give you grace that you do not be ignorant about your faith under pressure and tension in your life. In whatever situation whatever challenges ask God to give you grace.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Jesus's purpose

Jesus Christ came to offer Himself as a living sacrifice that our sins may be forgiven

Jesus is no longer visibly present in our midst but His power and effective ness are even greater  today than they were in.the time of His earthly ministry because he is present in all places at all times by His spirit
Let us worship our Lord because of Christ we are saved, healed, delivered and blessed. Because of Christ there is hope. Let us give him all the praise. 

The Lord Jesus Christ died for us that we may be reconciled with God. So we may say a Christian is a person who has laid his or her foundation of faith on Jesus Christ and has been reconciled with God.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Dig deep

DIG DEEP; FIGHT IT THROUGH IN FAITH On Sunday 25th January 2015, the atmosphere in The SCOAN reverberated with echoes of edifying anthems from the Emmanuel Singers who encouraged the congregation with soul-lifting songs. As indicated by the attentive yet participatory inclination of the entire congregation, the songs from the Emmanuel Singers served as forerunner to the moment of exhortation when the […] https://thetbjoshuafanclub.wordpress.com/2015/01/30/dig-deep-fight-it-through-in-faith/#noredirect